Terms and Conditions

School Admissions

You are advised to read carefully the admissions guide relevant to your application.

You will be asked if you agree to the terms and conditions before submitting your application.

Please be aware that providing false or fraudulent information in an application may lead to the subsequent removal of a school place.

Personal information contained in this form is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. Data may be exchanged with other local authorities and central government where necessary as part of the admission process. This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided as part of this application for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.

Primary/Infant to Junior Applications

I confirm that I have read and understood the Guide to School Admissions. (The guide can be found at www.swindon.gov.uk or by contacting the Admissions Team). I am aware that the deadline for making my application for Primary/Infant to Junior schools is 15th January 2019. Missing the deadline could affect my chances of getting a place at one of my preferred schools.

I understand that if I return to my online application to make any changes or for any other reason, including to view the application I have made, I must resubmit my application. If I do not resubmit my application it will not be considered.

I understand that I can express up to 3 preferences in ranked order for schools both within and outside the Swindon Borough with the opportunity to express reasons for my particular preferences. I understand that it is my responsibility to check if a supplementary form is required. I understand that if I indicate that I wished to receive notification by email this will be sent on 16th April 2019.

Secondary / UTC Applications

I confirm that I have read and understood the Guide to School Admissions. (The guide can be found at www.swindon.gov.uk or by contacting the Admissions Team). I am aware that the deadline for making my application for a Secondary school is 31st October 2018. Missing the deadline could affect my chances of getting a place at one of my preferred schools.

I understand that I can express up to 3 preferences in ranked order for schools both within and outside the Swindon Borough with the opportunity to express reasons for my particular preferences. I understand that it is my responsibility to check if a supplementary form is required. I understand that if I indicate that I wished to receive notification by email this will be sent on 1st March 2019.

In Year applications for all other year groups

The Local Authority (LA) operates a fully coordinated in-year process. This means that the LA coordinates all applications made during the academic year for in year admissions for all year groups. This includes applications received for all schools in Swindon, including Community, Voluntary Controlled, Foundation, Voluntary Aided, Academy and Free Schools. Swindon LA considers applications and makes offers every 30 school days, usually once a month. They are not considered in date order.

How does it work?

  • All preferences are considered equally, at the same time, and the LA therefore ensures that the highest preference is offered wherever possible.
  • If the school you are applying for requires a Supplementary Form or a Baptismal Certificate you must submit this at the time of the in-year application form. If you do not do so, this may affect whether your child is eligible for the school place.
  • If the LA is unable to offer any of your preferences, it will offer an alternative school place if your child does not already attend a Swindon school and you have provided evidence of your Swindon address. This will be the nearest school with a place available.
  • The applications are considered in process periods and a calendar of dates is available on the Council’s website as to when applications are considered and offers are made. On the whole, offers are made every 6 school weeks.
  • Decision letters will be leave our office on the allocated offer dates, see Transferring to a Swindon school. Please allow 3 working days to receive this letter. If you call within this time we will not be in a position to release any information over the phone, if you have not received your letter following the 3 working days please then contact us.

Sampling of applications

I understand that the LA reserves the right to undertake sampling of applications as and when it determines necessary. I am aware of this and therefore ensure that the information I submit on their application form is correct. By signing the application form, or submitting the form online, I am confirming that the information they have provided is truthful and correct.


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The website may from time to time contain links to websites which are not controlled by Swindon Borough Council. The Council has no control over these external websites. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the Council does not approve, recommend or endorse the content of, opinions expressed in, or any products or services offered via, such third party websites. Furthermore, the Council does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in such websites nor does it guarantee that such websites will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.

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The content of this website is particularly directed to the residents of the Borough of Swindon. Whilst the website is accessible to persons resident outside the council boundaries, this does not imply that the Council will provide any service mentioned on the website to such persons.

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